Brandon: It's kind of embarrassing to be reviewing this movie so long after it has been out of the theater, after awards season, and long into its DVD career. But, now that we've finally had a chance to check out the much-hyped flick, we just had to tell the world how much we loved Up In The Air!
Jenni: Agreed. Sure, just about any movie with gorgeous George Clooney in it is going to get my support - heck, I'll even forgive him for Leatherheads. But, beyond his awesome looks and incredible performance, this was a good movie all-around.
Brandon: As professional amateur movie critics, we're sadly way behind the times in keeping up with what's out there. Now that we're finally able to get caught up on some of the movies that received Academy Award nominations (this one received 6 different Oscar nods), so far this has been my favorite film that was nominated for best movie 2009.
Jenni: The plot was engaging, the characters were all endearing in their own ways, and, although we totally should have seen it coming sooner, the ending was even somewhat surprising. Overall, it was a great viewing experience, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this one to my friends.
Brandon: Agreed. The Snobs heartily support George Clooney and this great film. And with that, the Snobs are out. Peace!
You can watch the trailer for Up In The Air here.