Brandon: The Hurt Locker's finally on DVD! After having topped many critics' lists of the top movies of 2009 and receiving almost 100 different awards nominations, now we can finally see if The Hurt Locker lives up to all of the hype.
Jenni: The film follows a U.S. Army bomb squad stationed in Iraq as they work to disarm the various deadly bombs that plague the country. This really was an incredible look at the dangers our troops face over in Iraq. And director Kathryn Bigelow sure knows how to direct a suspenseful action scene.
Brandon: True that. I found myself holding my breath during several tense sequences in the movie. It seemed like there were bad guys and bombs around every corner in that country. Yet, despite all of the danger, I was really impressed with how almost all of the Army characters were shown to act with restraint and respect towards the Iraqi people.
Jenni: I was also impressed by the way the U.S. soldiers were portrayed. That was also one of my big concerns going into this movie. I didn't want to watch another movie that focused on the political and military quagmire in which the U.S. is involved in the Middle East. Although the topics were touched upon, as is necessary when setting the stage for any Iraq war discussion, the points were not belabored. The characters recognized the situation they were in, and they did their best to deal with matters on a day-to-day basis.
Brandon: Again, an excellent point. The script was very sharp, and it was wise to let the drama and suspense of their situation engross the viewer, as opposed to adding too much moral discourse. As an action movie, it was very gripping. The various bomb-defusing scenes were captivating, and the occasional gun-battles with insurgent forces were also very well done. But this movie is getting a lot of Oscar buzz for Best Picture, and I'm not sure if it's necessarily the best movie of 2009. Action-packed? Yes. Great character study/drama? I don't think so.
Jenni: I have to agree with you there. Although I don't fault the actors themselves, I still walked away from the film uncertain about the main character's, SFC William James (Jeremy Renner), motives. He seemed like a competent bomb-diffusing professional, but he was a danger to all of those around him. It was hard to feel any real emotional connection with him since I was so appalled by his behavior most of the time. So while the movie was generally good, I was still very removed from the story emotionally.
Brandon: Exactly. So while I'd recommend this movie, if only to see what all of the critical buzz is about, I don't think it would win any Best Picture awards with me. And, with that, the snobs are out. Peace!
You can watch the trailer for The Hurt Locker here.
I have yet to see this but, considering it made it to the Oscars and has caused so much controversy, I will definitely be seeing it sometime soon. It was interesting to hear your take on it though... Thanks!