Brandon: Is it possible that the Snobs are actually going to review a movie that's still in theaters? Let's face it, the Big Screen Snobs have been Small Screen Spectators for most (all) of this semester. But, yes, the hype is real. Jenni and Brandon pooled their cash for a babysitter, and treated themselves to a night out on the town!
Jenni: You really are a ladies' man, Brandon, and you know just how to treat me right. Buy me a fancy spaghetti dinner and take me out to see Hot Tub Time Machine, and you've won this girls' heart forever!
Brandon: Yeah, I'm pretty awesome, and this flick was bound to score me some good husband points. Does this movie even need any introduction more than what we've given it already? If you've seen any of the trailers for Hot Tub Time Machine, you already know what this movie's about, and pretty much exactly what happens in the movie. And, if you've been living under a rock for the last 3 weeks and haven't seen any of the millions of commercials that they've been playing on all of the TV networks, the title alone should clue you in to what this movie's about.
Jenni: Yup. This review pretty much writes itself. Hot Tub Time Machine focuses on the exploits of 4 friends who jump into a hot tub in 2010, but walk out in 1986. From there the hilarity ensues. If that sounds funny or entertaining to you, then this movie is right up your alley. If it sounds stupid and lame to you, then you're better off avoiding this movie.
Brandon: Exactly right. This movie was exactly what I was led to believe that it would be, and it lived up to my expectations. There were no surprises, no sappy stories of redemption, and no real moral to be learned. This movie is just goofy fun, and it doesn't try to do anything more than that. For that, I give my conditional endorsement. If this sounds like a movie you'd enjoy, I'm sure you'll like it. If it doesn't sound like fun to you, then you'll hate it.
Jenni: I loved this movie! It was hilarious, infinitely quotable ("Get out of my way, stool!" and "Have you been watching Red Dawn again?" are just a few of the many gems to be found inside), and it had plenty of goofy 80's references to keep the elderly crowd pointing and giggling. I'm telling all my friends to check this one out. And with that, the Snobs are out. Peace!
You can watch the red band trailer here.