Brandon: We were bad this weekend. Instead of watching a movie to review like we should, Jenni and I decided to have a Big Love marathon and get caught up on Season 4 that's been piling up in our DVR.
Jenni: Yes, we were bad, but it just felt so right! Big Love might not be a "big screen" production per se, but, hey, it's not TV, it's HBO! And I've got to say, after some of the duds that we've sat through over the last few weeks, I was ready for something that was almost guaranteed to be a great viewing experience.
Brandon: I'm with you. We've been following the exploits of Bill (Bill Paxton) and his harem of wives as they struggle to be a big, happy polygamist family in a monogamist world ever since Season 1. It was great to finally get caught up on all of the drama in their lives this season now that Bill is running for public office, and his many wives struggle to find their own identities in both the public world as well as in their family at home. It's such a simple, yet quirky premise, but it's by far the most entertaining thing on TV these days.
Jenni: It's true, we both love the Big Love, and this season was mostly great. Sure, there were some oddly out-of-place episodes this season (the episode in Mexico when Bill and family go all Rambo on a polygamist compound seemed really out of character), but for the most part all of the characters had plenty of screen time in which to grow and explore their characters. Heck, this season I went from thinking of Margie (Ginnifer Goodwin) as my favorite sister-wife, to rooting for Nicolette (Chloe Sevigny).
Brandon: Me too, and I never thought that would happen! And if you're a Utah native, you're going to love the Hollywood version of Utah. Everything from state liquor laws, basements in houses, and of course the omnipresent influence of the Mormon church in daily life is a continual source of drama. Yes, Big Love comes with the Snobs' resounding seal of approval. With that, the Snobs are out. Peace!
You can visit the Big Love homepage here.
I really think I need to start watching this show. Not only do my friends love it, but every time I go out of town, at least one person who finds out I am from Utah asks me if I watch 'Big Love'. You review was the final push.... I'm starting it after finals!